Hand Coding SQL with psycopg2 for Odoo

I thought it would be a good idea to write down some guidelines on writing hand coded SQL for Odoo/OpenERP. One of the general themes should be ‘avoid SQL injection’, and Odoo themselves provide some documentation explaining that. They also make the point before that you should try to stick with the ORM as much as possible too. Rolling your own SQL bypasses all the access controls on records, so if you are writing some SQL, always consider whether the user is supposed to have access to the data extracted or manipulated by the SQL.

Assuming you’re still set on writing SQL it’s worth noting that Odoo uses psycopg2, a mature and respectable library for accessing Postgres from Python. Dealing with parameters in SQL clauses is simple as it allows you to pass them through as parameters, just as you’d hope.

cr.execute('select * from res_partner where name = %s', (partner_name,))

Unfortunately it’s too simplistic to say never use string concatenation. In practice you often want to stitch together a complex query based on some data. You might want to vary the search criteria based on user input.

Here are some concrete scenarios to demonstrate more complex situations. Read the psycopg2 documentation for how to pass in values, and how it converts the various types first.

In clause

This is the most common place people give up with parameterisation. It’s clearly documented in Psycopg2, but since people often don’t read the docs, they don’t realise %s works and so they end up doing something involving join and their own format strings. The syntax is really simple,

cr.execute('select * from res_partner where name in %s', (['Partner 1', 'Partner 2'],))

Optional clauses

The trick with building up optional parts is to maintain lists of parameters alongside lists of the bits of SQL you need. The exact mechanism for appending the strings isn’t terribly important, and in fact you might find it useful to write yourself a nice class to make all that string construction simple and reliable. The key thing is to never mix untrusted data into the SQL you are generating.

clauses = []
params = []
if partner_name:
    clauses.append('name = %s')
if website:
    clauses.append('website = %s')
where_clause = ""
if len(clauses) > 0:
    where_clause = "where " + ' and '.join(clauses)
sql = "select id, name from res_partner " + where_clause
cr.execute(sql, params)

Refactoring out chunks of SQL generation

If you find yourself requiring reuse with snippets of SQL or subqueries it’s quite common to refactor that out into a method. This is another common place for mistakes. Return SQL and a list of parameters whenever you do this, rather than just a block of SQL.

def stock_level(product_ids):
    sql = """
    select location_dest_id as location_id, product_uom, sum(product_qty) as qty
    from stock_move 
    where product_id IN %s
    and state = 'done'
    group by  location_dest_id, product_uom
    union all 
    select location_id, product_uom, 0 - sum(product_qty) as qty
    from stock_move 
    where product_id IN %s
    and state = 'done'
    group by  location_id, product_uom
    return (sql, [product_ids, product_ids])

snippet, params = stock_level(product_ids)
sql = """
select location_id, product_uom, sum(qty) as stock_level
from (
) as stock
group by location_id, product_uom
having sum(qty) > 0 ;
""" % snippet
cr.execute(sql, params)

Using the same parameter twice

The previous example uses the same parameter twice in the query, and passes it in twice. This can be avoided by using a named arguments like %(name)s. This can also be useful when you have a very large query requiring lots of parameters as it allows you to pass in a dictionary and not worry about the ordering of the arguments you pass it.

def stock_level(product_ids):
    sql = """
    select location_dest_id as location_id, product_uom, sum(product_qty) as qty
    from stock_move 
    where product_id IN %(product_id)s
    and state = 'done'
    group by  location_dest_id, product_uom
    union all 
    select location_id, product_uom, 0 - sum(product_qty) as qty
    from stock_move 
    where product_id IN %(product_id)s
    and state = 'done'
    group by  location_id, product_uom
    return (sql, {"product_id": product_ids})

snippet, params = stock_level(product_ids)
sql = """
select location_id, product_uom, sum(qty) as stock_level
from (
) as stock
group by location_id, product_uom
having sum(qty) > 0 ;
""" % snippet
cr.execute(sql, params)

Fixing badly refactored code

If you do find yourself with a function that is returning SQL only, and you can’t change the function prototype because external code is depending on it, psycopg2 provides the mogrify function that can help. It does require the cursor to be in scope.

def stock_level(cr, uid, product_ids):
    sql = """
    select location_dest_id as location_id, product_uom, sum(product_qty) as qty
    from stock_move 
    where product_id IN %s
    and state = 'done'
    group by  location_dest_id, product_uom
    union all 
    select location_id, product_uom, 0 - sum(product_qty) as qty
    from stock_move 
    where product_id IN %s
    and state = 'done'
    group by  location_id, product_uom
    return cr.mogrify(sql, [product_ids, product_ids])

snippet = stock_level(cr, uid, product_ids)
sql = """
select location_id, product_uom, sum(qty) as stock_level
from (
) as stock
group by location_id, product_uom
having sum(qty) > 0 ;
""" % snippet

Allowing the caller to specify fields/tables

This is something where the libraries generally don’t help. You need to sanitize this code yourself. In general try to avoid fully untrusted output. It’s better to have a whitelist of what you expect to allow, and allow them to select from those known good tables/fields. Also remember that you can query the database for what the structure of the database is if you don’t know it when writing the code. If you really can’t check either, sanitize the input heavily. Try to allow the absolute minimum characters within identifiers and also consider using an extra qualifier so that you can identify programmatically created fields/tables and prevent name clashes with core database functions.

In summary

Keep your string manipulation safe, never append untrusted input (note that data you retrieved from the database should generally be treated as untrusted). Assuming you are doing it right, any query without parameters should look start to look suspicious. There are of course simple queries that take no parameters, but they should be easy to verify as safe.

Note that the code is not from a live system and may not actually work (it was typed up for this post and not tested). It’s designed to illustrate the principles rather than be blindly copy pasted.

Postgres table locks

I’ve just been looking into some issues with locking in Postgres and the documentation as ever has been excellent.


A closer look at the queries provided suggests they don’t show table level locks. At the very least if you do a pg_dump of your database while checking those queries you see nothing, despite there definitely being some locks going on. This query probably isn’t perfect, and is simply based on a quick practical test of running pg_dump against a test db but it may help spot the table locks which could be blocking things.

select pid, usename, datname, current_query 
from pg_catalog.pg_locks l 
inner join pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity a on a.procpid = pid 
where mode like '%ExclusiveLock%';

Postgres sequences

For some reason I’m getting plagued by broken sequence numbers in Postgres at the moment. These exhibit themselves like this, despite the fact that your id field is generated by a postgres sequence.

duplicate key value violates unique constraint "ir_property_pkey"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(181) already exists.

I know how it’s possible to create them, setup a database, then import data from a dump file that has setval statements like this, but I thought I’d learnt from that mistake and I’ve generally avoided that particular method of screwing up my database integrity.

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('account_account_id_seq', 203, true);

Anyhow, it’s become boring manually fixing them so I’ve created a quick script to spot the problems. It probably makes some naive assumptions but it seems to be working for me and making life easier for the right now.

use strict;
use warnings;

my %sequences;
my %ids;
my $current_table;
my $in_copy = 0;
        $sequences{$1} = $2;
    if(/COPY (\w+)\s*\(id/i) 
        $in_copy = 1;
        $current_table = $1;
            $in_copy = 0;
            my $id = $1;
            $ids{$current_table} = $ids{$current_table} && $ids{$current_table} > $id ? $ids{$current_table} : $id;

for my $table (keys %ids)
    my $id = $ids{$table};
    my $sequence = $sequences{$table} || 0;
    if($sequence < $id)
        print "The sequence for $table is too low ($sequence), it should be set to $id\n";

Creating a new Postgres template database

One thing that is sometimes useful when you have multiple developers accessing the same Postgres database server is to setup your own template so that you can avoid contention. That way when someone is in the template goofing around your automated unit tests that create a new database don’t break.

To do that you create the template as a regular database then change it to a template by tweaking the internal postgres parameter. Note that you’ll need permission to do this of course.

$ createdb template_donotuse
$ psql template_donotuse
# update pg_database set datistemplate=true  where datname='template_donotuse';

For more information on templates the help is quite clear – http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.0/interactive/manage-ag-templatedbs.html. In fact I figured this out from that page, I just want to have the commands somewhere convenient to copy paste from.